Twin Cities Choristers Guild Presents
For Choral Directors, Teachers, and singers in Grades 7-12
Therees Hibbard, Saint Olaf College, Guest Clinician
Saturday, April 8, 2017
9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Hurry! Registration deadline 3/26/17
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection
3115 Victoria Street, Roseville, MN 55113
Cost to Attend:
$30 Per TCCG Member
$45 Per Non-member
$15 Per College Students
FREE to singers in Grades 7-12
Therees Tkach Hibbard is an Associate Professor of Music at St. Olaf College where she teaches choral conducting, choral literature, and voice. Her work as a movement specialist in the training of choral singers has created unique opportunities for her to work with choirs and conductors from around the world, including the Youth Choral Academy at the Oregon Bach Festival, the Animato Choir of Lesvos, Greece, and the American Boychoir.
This session will include both theoretical and practical ideas for directors to employ in rehearsal with singers of all ages. Directors are encouraged to bring a small group of engaged singers to serve as your "movement ambassadors" as you take back new ideas to your ensembles!